Posted in culture, political, rant

Media blunder

Unending media attacks on Conservatives (and Trump) can cause fatigue in viewers. Remember back during the Bush years,  the media screeching about Bush caused many to tune them out. If Bush had broken the law,  say by using the IRS to harass s Democrats, Noone would notice amid all the doom &  gloom over his every word

The left leaning media does us all a disservice. Their obvious bias,  coupled with their contempt for those of us in ‘fly over’ country breeds cynicism. Cynicism degrades our ability to have civil conservation. Poor communication makes it much harder to hold those in government accountable. 

Everyone loses. Real journalists report the news without letting us know how they personally feel. That makes them honest brokers we can trust. 

When is the last time a news paper  or cable channel gave  you a spin free report  you could accept as fact  without having to search for an agenda? 


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