Posted in culture, political

‘No Information Voter’

The typical #NoFo (NO inFOrmation voter) has no clue how the medical industry is regulated.
So Obama can blame the industry for any ‘glitches’, demand GOP help with ‘fixes’ and redistribute tax money to pay off insurance companies. How are these intellectually incurious people going to know otherwise?

Teachers, journalists, clergy must speak the truth. Speak loudly and often. Educate your students, readers and congregation.
Many of you are honest patriots, speaking out may cost you in the short run but continued silence will cost us all in the long run.

“Our culture has accepted two huge lies. The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don’t have to compromise convictions to be compassionate.”

Pastor Rick Warren

Pastor Rick Warren

Posted in political

Apology Tour

Remember during Obama’s first term how he went from country to country bowing to dictators and apologizing for America?

Patriots chafed. American Exceptionalism has benefited the whole world.

Well I propose a second Apology Tour, this time it would be to American Conservatives.

We have been lied to, harrassed, spied on and watched helplessly as laws were shoved down our collective throat –  only to be illegally ‘tweaked’ when ‘glitches’ were discovered.

The most vexing part, the mainstream media aided and abetted. Hollywood then piled on.

Obama “You lied!” over and over to the American People then you upped the ante by repeatedly calling the nascent Tea Party liars for pointing out all the ways Obamacare could go wrong. You repeatedly described our warnings as ‘misinformation’. Well now that all of our warnings have come true in spectacular fashion, we want OUR apology!

Posted in political


Remember when Ted Cruz got crucified for quote ‘holding the government hostage”? The complaint was that you could not discuss repealing or defunding Obamacare during a government shutdown.
Well, the Budget presented by the House actually locks in spending for Obamacare. There will be no shutdown: this is a two year budget.

Okay so RINOs when do we start to actually work at repealing Obamacare?
Oh, you gave up your only leverage by avoiding a shutdown? Then why would Harry Reid negotiate with you in good faith?
Obama will capitulate to Russia, China, Iran or any Muslim Brotherhood group but he won’t listen to the GOP let alone negotiate.
So then, why did you attack Sen Ted Cruz for making use of the ONLY leverage the GOP has?
Clearly Speaker John Boehner is still more concerned with ‘getting something done’ than in getting it right. This budget does NOTHING to stop the out of control spending. It does nothing to defund Obamacare.
Delusional RINOS are hoping they can play Democrat – lite until we send them reinforcements.
A disenchanted TEA PARTY and cynical Independents are far more likely to vote a third party candidate or stay home.

Poorly played GOP. The next move is yours Conservative Voters.

Posted in political, rant

My fair share of your fair share?

You hear time and time again,  liberals attacking conservatives for wanting to pay as little in taxes as possible. They claim: “if I had five million dollars I would happily pay 4,500,000 in taxes so the government can help people. The unspoken corollary is we conservatives are greedy and selfish.
Strangely it never occurs to liberals that we have more efficient ways of helping people.
We volunteer our own time and talent.
We give generously to charities and churches.
The money I put in the hands of an increasingly incompetent, corrupt government is likely to be wasted. Worse it simply encourages government to get ever more bloated but never more efficient. For example; was set up poorly at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars. The vendor who actually did the poor job was then rewarded, with a multimillion dollar contract to fix their own lousy work.
Adding insult to injury, the federal government routinely loses vast sums of money. In 2010 it came light that the Fed had lost 9 TRILLION dollars!
The next time a self righteous liberal suggests its ‘patriotic’ to throw your hard earned money down the government rabbit hole — ask them if they refuse their income tax refund or overpay on their taxes.

Posted in rant

Open letter to the RINOs

Many in the House and Senate talk a good game. They claim they want to do their jobs and represent the electorate. They say that the only thing holding them back is there aren’t ENOUGH of them in either chamber. There is a fallacy in their thinking; “Every vote must result in a win”…. No but every time they vote their values and what they believe to be the will of the electorate WE WIN. The problem is, they don’t work hard enough to get their bills sold to the public. We should have Townhall Meetings before budget negotiations even begin. Show us your math. Then when you sit down with your counterparts you better insist on something that at the least stops the runaway spending. If you show that your legislation matches your stated principles we will give support no matter what the MSM say.

Going along with ‘compromise’ that is actually capitulation will not get YOU reelected, never mind adding more RINOS to Congress.

RINOS think the media is telling the truth. No wonder they seem so out of touch, they actually believe the MSM. Hello, Cruz was proven right but Noone on MSNBC or CNN will admit it. We the People noticed however.

RINOS you can not keep voting for ‘compromise’ that does nothing to stop the growth and scope of government because you are afraid the MSM will call you villains. Guess what, they will call you villains no matter what. Listen to true conservatives.
Listen to We The People.
Do your jobs or get out. #MakeDCListen

Posted in political

Micromanagement vs Incompetence

The president who was unaware of (scandal of the week) wants to micromanage business big and small. He wants to write mandate after mandate. Ok, Ok, I know President Golf-a-lot isn’t writing legislation.

But mandates, rules, Executive Orders, regulations seem to spout out of the White House with regularity. This regime lives to tell us how to do business and how to live.

Let’s take a current example :

My problem is how to reconcile the presumed omniscience required to run the health insurance AND the health industry itself with a POTUS who claims to learn of failures by his administration – on the news.

His response to the health.Gov debacle? “We are investigating why I wasn’t informed about problems sooner.”

Quick answer, you were NOT interested.
Don’t hold your breath waiting for an answer.
No one at Cabinet level ever gets held accountable. Millions squandered, so what.
Promises broken? You’ll get over it.
Laws broken (Fast & Furious) not even a wrist slap.

But we are supposed to trust arrogant, unaccountable incompetents to micromanage our lives? How can that possibly work?

Posted in political, rant

Power of Dependency

Many years ago a large housing project on the west side Pittsburgh was set to be closed. Distraught residents of Broadhead Manor refused to leave. The residents of this project considered it to be their home. It was a heartbreaking scene as a woman cried unto news cameras “Why are they making us leave our homes? We have lived here for years, why do we have to go?”

This poor woman simply did not understand that the purpose of a housing project was to be a temporary place to stay while you get on your feet. Whether by accident or on purpose, liberals have found a very effective way to garner and maintain power. People who are DEPENDENT upon your goodwill just to survive WILL consistently vote for you thinking they are helping themselves.

The government advertises in English and Spanish so people will sign up for government housing, health insurance, food, cash, smartphones…

Uncle Sam has taken on the role of Husband and Father – the Provider for millions. Divorced or Unwed mothers are encouraged to count on the government for all their needs. Whenever a government shutdown looms, these unwed mothers and their kids are held up as victims. Seniors are expected to live off the government as well. Remember when a male was not considered a Man if he didn’t take care of his kids? Not just child support; actually being present in his kids life?
Remember when Mom or Dad moved in with their adult kids as they aged?

Who benefits? The poor routinely vote straight Santa Claus party. They don’t worry about the National Debt or abuses by the NSA.
So the Santa Claus party takes the poor for granted. Every so often they throw up a scare to keep them in line. During the health care debate Rep Grayson(D) claimed the Republican Party wanted the sick and elderly to “Die quickly”. Vice President Biden told the NAACP “They (GOP) wanta put y’all back in chains”.
Clearly this rhetoric isn’t aimed at informed voters.

For the record, The GOP is the party to oppose slavery. The GOP health care plan leaves health care choices in the patients hands.

I suggest the elderly, poor and minority voters should be present in great numbers in BOTH parties. That forces both parties to pay attention to all the voters. That way the voters will benefit in good governerance instead of wild rhetoric and lies.

Posted in political

Liberals vs Charity

Liberalism is the enemy of charity and the destroyer of generosity. When you choose to give money, time, resources you call it charity. However, if you expect “thank you”, a pat on the back, or some other expression of approval that is not charity. You are expecting payment.
True charity is when you give with no expectations at all. You give because that is who you are.

Liberals give with the expectation they will be paid in  approval; that is why they have all those stickers on their car to let you know how wonderful they are.
Worse, they want to compel everyone else to do what they do; if they drive a small car you must as well. They give to a particular charity organization and you must as well. So liberals are not generous and by compelling you to do what they do they negate your chance to be generous.

There is no charity under compulsion. Liberals always use the force of law and the power of tax to enforce their peculiar brand of generosity. At the same time they attack anyone who generates wealth but doesn’t give to them control.