Posted in culture, current events, political, Spotlight

Gun control debate

A shortish essay on the people involved in the gun control debate, via another guy on FB…

“The main reason pro-gun people and anti-gun people can’t talk to each other is that their respective rhetorics are based on two irreconcilable worldviews. The anti-gun people are essentially collectivist; the pro-gun people are essentially individualist.
Lately, for example, I’ve been hearing arguments from the anti-gun people about how “arming teachers” is a bad idea. The image they’re evoking with this language is that of a group of teachers lining up to receive their mandatory government-issued firearm for use in defending their classrooms. Most proposals I’ve seen, however, aren’t for arming teachers en masse. They are for allowing individual teachers who are already permitted to carry guns to do so on school property. The anti-gun people use collectivist language about “arming” a group of people, while the pro-gun people use individualist language about allowing individuals to make a choice about whether to carry a gun.
Similarly, anti-gun people often say things like “More guns are not the solution.” The image they are evoking is that of a basically homogeneous group of people, some percentage of which are causing problems for the group with their guns. To the collectivist mind, the proposed solution–increasing the percentage of gun ownership within the group–is absurd. But of course, arbitrarily increasing the percentage of guns is not a solution anyone is proposing. The solution the pro-gun people are proposing is to remove limitations on the law-abiding members of the group that put them at a disadvantage when dealing with the non-law abiding members.
I often see anti-gun people make statements like “Children dying isn’t worth your right to have an AR-15.” To a collectivist, this statement makes perfect sense: after all, there’s no doubt that as a group, we’d be better off if there were no AR-15s. To an individualist, though, this statement is at best nonsensical and at worst insulting. To an individualist, the statement translates to “You personally having an AR-15 increases the chances of children dying.” And it doesn’t help when the anti-gun people go the next logical step and call NRA members “murderers” for something that none of their individual members have done.
This is also how collectivists are able to justify a ban on guns which would have to enforced by people with guns. To the collectivist, “police” are a different group than “civilians,” and it’s assumed that when you are talking about gun regulations, you are talking about regulations for civilians. For individualists, this distinction reeks of hypocrisy, because they see both the police and civilians as individual members of society, to whom the same laws should apply.
The problem of incompatible worldviews is complicated by the fact that in America, overt collectivism is still frowned on to some degree. Americans of all political stripes like to think we are proponents of individual freedom. Many collectivists in the U.S. are so inculcated in individualist language that they don’t even know they are collectivists (these are the people who resort to supporting their arguments with vague pronouncements about “the greater good,” “social welfare,” “the social contract,” etc.) Thus, collectivists tend (intentionally or unintentionally) to cloak their language in individualist rhetoric about “rights.” For example, “Doesn’t my child have a right to go to school without being shot?”
The problem with this question is that while it’s ostensibly about individual rights, it’s really a way of surreptitiously shifting the conversation onto collectivist grounds. It’s a way of saying that my fear (rational or not) outweighs your so-called rights. And once you accept that premise, you’re stuck in the collectivist mindset. Individual rights are now just an obstacle in the way of creating a perfectly just, peaceful society where no one is ever shot (or harmed in any other way, presumably).
You’ve probably figured out by now which of these two camps I’m in. I don’t pretend to be objective, but I have some pretty good reasons for preferring the individualist mindset to the collectivist. For one thing, as I’ve already mentioned, it’s telling that the collectivists have to employ misdirection and rhetoric borrowed from individualism in order to make their point. Most Americans still know on some level that the greatness of our country was its emphasis on individual rights over collective concerns, so the collectivists have to rely on deception to win them over.
Secondly, in my experience individualists have a pretty good understanding of the collectivist worldview. It isn’t difficult for most pro-gun people to perform a convincing imitation of the anti-gun argument. Anti-gun people, on the other hand, seem genuinely incapable of understanding pro-gun arguments, and end up arguing against strawmen tainted by their own collectivist ideology. This leads me to believe that collectivism is an intellectual crutch for those who can’t make sense of individualism.
But the main problem with collectivism as it relates to gun control and any other problem is that in the end, people *are* individuals. If you break a gun law, you, an individual, go to prison. If a burglar breaks into your house, you, an individual, are victimized. If you shoot a person, you, an individual, are responsible. You can talk about “society” having a problem with “gun violence,” but in the end what you are talking about is some individuals being hurt by other individuals with guns.
Collectivist language can be useful, but the collectivist worldview is at best an approximation and at worst a crutch for bigots and the intellectually lazy. Laws are applied to individual people, and I believe they should be passed with that in mind. You don’t have to believe that, but if you are in favor of gun control, you should at least make an effort to understand why many people do.”
– Randy Caudle

Posted in Nerdery, tech

Asus 10 inch tablet

On September 7th 2017 I bought an Asus 10 inch tablet to replace my venerable Samsung Galaxy Tab 3.

I did research on this aluminum premium tablet for nearly a year.

I was searching for a tablet superior to my big Samsung in every way.

The Asus Zenpad 3s 10 is a 9.7 inch screen housed in aluminum – not plastic. This premium metal tablet weighs less than pound and is thinner than most smartphones.

Fingerprint to unlock works really fast. It quickly becomes 2nd nature to use either hand to unlock the device.

Android 7 Nougat brings efficient split screen. The Vivid color setting is bright and vibrant. The HD screen is bright and razor sharp. As with flagship smartphones, you have numerous color filters to choose from.

The 4G RAM means this device is as fast as any flagship Android smartphone.

The all aluminum design is beautiful from every angle. Games and movies will come to life since the Asus supports Apt-X sound tech. You need a premium pair of headphones to do it justice.

I won’t pretend to be very nostalgic over the venerable Samsung. Asus Zenpad is superior in every way. It even manages to feel and look nicer than any other tablet.

Surprisingly, Asus chose to price it at $300 Fall of 2017. I was stunned at what a great value I got – premium tablet for a value price.

If you are shopping for a great (big) Android tablet, you can find more expensive tablets but you will not find a better tablet. I checked!

Posted in humor, Nerdery


My favorite place in the universe is the Library. I love my church, I love my home… But the library is the place that instantly brings a smile to my face every single time.

All those books!!!


Graphic novels.

Blue Rays and wi-fi.


I know exactly one other person who feels the same way. He’s my best friend Scott.

When I share my library obsession with others I get looks ranging from confusion

Is he serious?

to looks of pity

Poor guy, I had no idea!

My sons were library nerds for 2 simple reasons: Fast wi-fi and the wide screen PC monitors made gaming more fun. When I tried to put a book in front of them… Eye rolls that likely caused them to wear glasses a few years later.

My young daughter has inherited the bookworm gene which makes me unreasonably happy.

Posted in humor, Nerdery


I own an LG G6 smartphone. I own an LG Urbane Smartwatch. I also have an Asus Zenpad tablet.

I can give you practical reasons for using them. Yet I know less capable products exist for much less money.

Truthfully, I just LOVE gadgets!

The only thing I love more than buying gadgets? Buying accessories for my gadgets! Every smartphone needs SEVERAL cases.
Every smartwatch needs a backup charger (preferably with a built-in stand).
Every tablet needs a case (or two).

The best accessory? The wireless charger. I can set my phone on the charger and walk away. Then just pick it up once charged. No more plugging directly into the phone. Sometimes trying to get the standard power cord into the phone can make you feel like a virgin making love for the first time!

Gotta go, has suggested new items and I need to figure out an excuse to buy them!