Posted in political, satire

Obama scandals: Can YOU name them all?

 IRS’ targeting of conservative groups, the VA scandal allowed veterans to die, Fast and Furious cost 168 Mexicans lives and 2 US Border agents, Benghazi cost 4 American lives, the billion $ ransom payment to Iran, exchanging 5 terrorists for an Army deserter, the NSA spying on Americans  while Edward Snowden hacked the NSA, the Secret Service only  partially paying  Colombian prostitutes, and the DOJ’s harrassing/investigation of Conservative reporters, Solyndra…. Did I miss any?

Posted in political, rant

Body count 

Obama abandoned 4 to die in Benghazi. He allowed 168 Mexicans and 2 Border Patrol agents to die from his Fast &  Furious guns. Dozens of police have died as Obama supports violent anti-police rhetoric from Black Lives Matter and others who demonize all police. Over a 100 died in terror attacks while Obama Praises Islam as peaceful and refuses to even say Islamic Terror let alone fight it.

 Over 8 million babies have died while  Obama nods approvingly, thanking his God for Planned Parenthood. 
How many people have died as a result of President elect Trump? 

Posted in political

Post Election Thought 

Now comes the fun part.

Pundits who were dead wrong about who millions of Americans were going to be vote for are going to tell us why they voted the way they did.

They will ignore all the reasons we have been giving  for the past 8 years . They will explain away this sea change as Racism or Sexism. Then the Elites will begin searching for proof. 

I hope Trump’s advisers can help him not to give the Elites any ammunition . 
God bless America !