Posted in culture, military

Memorial Day

The most important thing is to remember.

I remember how reluctant my Grandpap was to talk about serving in World War 2. He was always happy to talk about his career I  the Veterans Administration as a male nurse.

I remember his guarded expression when we would ask what it was like in WW2. I find it jarring to hear  guys bragging now about their service.

My cousin Caprell Edwards was an MP stationed in South Korea before succumbing to heart disease.

I try to instill a healthy respect for military service in my kids. I stress it is service not adventure.

Amid barbecue and hardware store sales make sure you remember the reason for this solemn day.

Posted in military, political

Foreign policy update

Iran’s Supreme Leader Says No Deal If Inspectors Want Access To Military Sites

Russia is making aggressive moves in Europe

Ramadi has fallen to ISIS

North Korea announced it could make nuclear weapons small enough to place on missiles

China is making military moves near the Spratly Islands

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is reportedly using chemical weapons against his own people again.

Yemen is turning into a failed state

Obama States his foreign policy is successful

Either Obama is “disconnected from reality… Or HIS foreign policy is going exactly the way HE wants it to.

Think about that

Posted in Outreach, religion, Spotlight

Christian Conservative

These lovely ladies help people here in the USA and abroad. Sex trafficking, prostitution, unplanned pregnancy and Poverty. These brave souls tackle it all with tender hearts, courage and passion.

Guess what they don’t have… Government money. All volunteer. I am proud to support my wife (center) and the other members of Covenant Church Missions.


Posted in political, religion

Politics greatest lie

The greatest lie you will ever hear in politics: “My party has the answer to poverty.”

The truth, only God’s Church can properly address poverty at the root.
Most chronic poverty is the result of spiritual brokenness, ignorance and poor choices. Government programs simply subsidize these issues. The Church has a lasting cure. Jesus can heal a broken spirit. An emotionally healthy individual will make better choices, overcome adversity and beat generational poverty.

Many churches provide practical on-the-job training. And actual jobs.

We in the church have to stop turning to corrupt,  inept politicians for salvation.

God has cure for what ails America. We are the cure. Church, let’s act like it!

Posted in Economics, political

Medicaid costs rise

Remember back in 2009 when we were promised the cost of medical care could be lowered and access could increased at the same time? Good times.

Now, we discover costs have not decreased. Availability of specialists & general practitioners has worsened. What happened?

An unending series of mandates has forced insurers and doctors to make adjustments. These moves are not the result of greed or ill will. Rather, insurers are reacting to complex rules that seek political objectives (cover preexisting conditions) rather than addressing the actual cost structure. Insurance is about risk and motivation. Government seeks a political objective (eliminate risk) then complains over results.

Expensive trips to the ER have increased. The rules have motivated people who are used to the ER to use it more often. If ivory tower Progressives had listened, they wouldn’t be so surprised. Many adults take poor care of their health issues. They didn’t magically begin seeing a personal care physician after Obamacare passed. They have intentions to do so. However, when they feel really sick, they assume the AFFORDABLE Care Act is going to be FREE visits to the ER. They assume it’s like the Obama phone of Medicine.

Do you expect them to pay for these costly ER visits? Of course not.

At the same time, government payment to doctors is so problematic that fewer doctors want to be bothered. The crushing tape is simply icing on the cake. What is motivation? Pay more staff to deal with ever growing paperwork just so you can get absurdly low Medicaid payments?

So Obamacare guarantees rising costs, fewer providers and longer waits due to motivation. Oh yeah, we get FEWER choices of health care plans with higher up front fees (deductible).

To be fair, I haven’t heard any complaints from the illegal immigrants waiting in the ER with my Mother. So there’s that.