Posted in religion

Obedience has benefits 

The biggest benefit of being an obedient Christian? You become wiser and more mature. 

Seasons in my life when I do what I’m supposed to do correspond with spikes in wisdom. I define wisdom in the biblical manner; knowing the right thing to do. Obedient Christians can see Right & Wrong more clearly than those mired in sinful lifestyles. 

When I’ve indulged in sin, the worst part for me is the sense of confusion. At first I just assumed that I was rationalizing my sin a little too well! Over time I realized my ability to discern the right thing to do had eroded. 

When you choose a spouse, elect a judge or select a business partner, keep this in mind. If they are choosing a sinful lifestyle: adultery, drug use, lying etc you must consider suspect in general. Don’t hire a plumber that you know has a mistress. His integrity is suspect in general. 

The same goes for a politician. Don’t  ignore the fact she lies and cheats simply because she checks off all your Ideological boxes. You bound to be disappointed when she doesn’t keep her word to you. 

I’m not talking about the occasional stumble; cursing if you stub your toe. Cheating on one test 20 years ago. I’m talking about a person who becomes comfortable with sinning in a particular area. The Christian who has decided to abuse drugs as a lifestyle. Once they convince themselves it isn’t that big a deal, Satan can convince to commit other sins as well. 

Basically, don’t  trust ANYONE that God can’t trust. Not even yourself! 

When you hear supposed Christians defending an obvious sin (say pedophilia) you wonder that they can’t see the obvious. Now you know why. 

Posted in culture, political, rant

Media blunder

Unending media attacks on Conservatives (and Trump) can cause fatigue in viewers. Remember back during the Bush years,  the media screeching about Bush caused many to tune them out. If Bush had broken the law,  say by using the IRS to harass s Democrats, Noone would notice amid all the doom &  gloom over his every word

The left leaning media does us all a disservice. Their obvious bias,  coupled with their contempt for those of us in ‘fly over’ country breeds cynicism. Cynicism degrades our ability to have civil conservation. Poor communication makes it much harder to hold those in government accountable. 

Everyone loses. Real journalists report the news without letting us know how they personally feel. That makes them honest brokers we can trust. 

When is the last time a news paper  or cable channel gave  you a spin free report  you could accept as fact  without having to search for an agenda? 


Posted in culture, rant

Definition of Insanity… 

​I’m tired of hearing that Blacks must put our faith in a political party that owned us as slaves, fought against civil rights, locked us up in housing projects to ‘help us’, induced our kids to abandon God for the Sexual Revolution (broken/fatherless homes) and now wants to abort our children as much as possible per Margaret Sanger. Insane. 

Posted in culture, rant, religion

Marrying Up?

​There is no such thing as ‘marrying up’. 

Stop evaluating  your potential spouse based on their appearance, popularity or  income. A short guy who marries a tall girl didn’t marry up. A poor girl who marries  a rich guy didnt marry up. The shy girl who dates a jock isnt getting any special favor. Essentially, you’re  saying that you think you married someone that has more worth (or net worth) than you.We all have equal worth so that phrase ‘marry up’ is inappropriate.

If you think that you are marrying up then what does your mate feel they are doing?

Either you are married to the person God chose for you or not. Most of us think we are smarter than God. We are too proud, independent and stubborn to let Him make the choice for us.  No wonder our divorce rate is so high!