Posted in rant


Me yesterday: “Naomi the real meaning of Christmas: Jesus’ birth on Earth, to gift us eternal life… Not about people exchanging gifts!!”

Her homework: Name the Christian holiday for exchanging gifts?

Naomi: “I know it isn’t Christmas, so what holiday do they mean?”

Me: “Um, uh, yeah…. Those heathens are referring to Christmas.”

Posted in culture, political, Spotlight

What if #MeToo is weaponized?

People lie.

A percentage of accusers lie.

A percentage of the accused lie.

How do we handle the avalanche of accusations concerning Harrassment, Sexual or otherwise?

Lately the mantra has been “Believe the accuser… Unless you like the accused.”

While people jeer at politicians and celebrities whose careers have been obliterated, I wonder what happens to the rest of us. I feel certain that multimillionaires like Matt Lauer will survive even if his current career doesn’t.

What happens if your Ex were to publicly accused you? Should everyone just believe that you are guilty? Should your employer fire you because of the accusation?

In my twenties, I dated a very troubled woman. When I figured out the extent of her mental illness, I dumped her.

If she saw me on the cusp of becoming a celebrity, might she be tempted to accuse me? What recourse do I have? Will suing her for defamation get my reputation, job back?

I am a Sunday school teacher. I love my kids. Black, white, biracial. Rich and very poor. I appreciate their diversity and uniqueness. I also am wary of a child making an accusation. I am never alone with any child, especially not say in the bathroom.

Right now we are supposed to be having a conversation about power & sexual harassment. Increasingly it appears to be more hysterical shouting. Accusation has been weaponized.

Maybe we need to discuss Honesty, innocent until proven guilty etc.

What are your thoughts?