Posted in culture, religion


Does anyone want unity? I mean do we want unity in the Church? Do we want unity in our civil discourse? The Bible makes unity a priority. 
Most people in power seem to use the word ‘Unity’ to mean ‘Just agree with me’. For that matter, marriage seems to suffer from the same dynamic. Couples have different last names, separate bank accounts, separate friends… Separate lives really. No wonder divorce is so easy. 

Churches split, denominations splinter. 

Political parties seem to exist only for the sake of division. 
The media throws gasoline on the passionate,  igniting fires of rage. Then  reports on the resulting conflagration breathlessly. 

Americans must make unity a priority. If we don’t, we will collapse under the weight of Identity Politics where everyone has a grievance against somebody. 

Posted in religion

Walk the Walk

​What’s your walk like? 

Do you walk like a robot? Stiff  &  unnatural. 

Do you shamble like a zombie? 

Do you stagger like someone drunk? 

Do you walk with your head high, like a king? 

Do you crawl like baby?
Just as our natural walk tells alot about our mental state &  physical health… Our Christian walk tells others about us. 
We must walk in Thanksgiving, Humility and Steadfastness. 

We must walk in  Submission, Serenity and  Obedience. 

Posted in culture, religion

War on Christmas 

Notice people who said ‘Happy Holidays’ during December have no problem saying  ‘Happy New Year’ now. I realize the mainstream news media pooh poohs our complaints about this war on our faith. Understand, kids in school are denied ‘Christmas’ parties and any mention of Christ during Christmas. Federal agencies do the same to their employees. We hear about ‘Separation of Church &  State’ as the excuse. At the exact same time, Obama praises Islam. NASA is tasked with Muslim outreach and the government imports Muslims by the thousands. You don’t hear of anyone bothering Muslims over religious expression either. Obama’s statement that Muslims are part of American history raised eyebrows but the mainstream media didn’t fact check at all. You don’t hear the administration praising all the Christian organizations however. At the same time Atheist lawyers sue EVERYONE for even the slightest hint of Christianity. As a student of history I know Christianity is an integral part of America from its inception. So a war on the Church is a war on US history. 

Christians must push back with a smile. I respond to Happy Holidays with a cheerful Merry Christmas. Schools must partner with CHURCHES to fight lawsuits. Etc.