Posted in Economics, rant

Who are the Rich exactly?

Here in Democratic People’s Republic of Pittsburgh, Big Government is good while the Rich are evil…

I walked past yet another Lifeline tent. An older man was hawking his wares: “Get a free cell phone. Free talk and text.” I walked over to him, “Excuse me, those phones aren’t free, we taxpayers have to pay for them. The man rolled his eyes,” You don’t pay for them, the Rich pay for them.

Who are the Rich exactly? To the man getting paid to induce more people to sign up for ‘free’ phones, the Rich are a faceless class of humans who have more wealth than they deserve. The omnipresent, omniscient Big Government knows who the undeserving Rich are, so they get taxed, the the money is given to the deserving poor.

Except this is NOT a very honest definition of the Rich. I define the Rich as anyone who has more wealth than you ever expect to make.

Most people I know desire to be wealthy. In theory, these people should happily give their money to the government Right? Actually most people give only what the law requires and not a cent more. The Rich are no different. They would prefer to give a charity or church program of their choice instead of Big Government.

Keep this mind when you hear people grumbling about how the EvilRich™️ won’t pay their fair share. YOU are The Rich to someone.

Posted in current events, Economics, good news, political

Looking back at 2018

2018 will stand out for many people as year they got back into the workforce. High dropouts have been able to get work. Unemployment is only 6% for people without a high school diploma!

Of course for those with a diploma unemployment is a fantastic 3.9%.

Those with a college degree can expect a much improved job market from just 5 years ago. For those with a college degree, unemployment is only 2%!

More good news: wages are up as well. America set records this year.

Funny that the mainstream media hasn’t been trumpeting the good news isn’t it?

Every month when they reported on the economic outlook, the Mainstream media seemed determined to find even a hint of bad news.

Contrast this with how upbeat the media treated the (much worse) economy the previous 5 years.

Still let’s all give thanks to God for a second consecutive year of winning!

Posted in culture, Economics, political, religion

Keep ’em Poor?

Here in Democrat controlled Pittsburgh, the poor are to be taken care of. Free this, discounted that. They demand freebies as if taxpayers OWE them. They have been indoctrinated, brainwashed. I work in a call center for a utility.  I talk to people who ask me How I expect them to pay for service? They get subsidized service,  they get grants twice a year adding up to hundreds of dollars. Security deposit waivers and courtesy waivers on late fees..

Many genuinely need this help, having been left behind as the economy improved. Others can’t work due to health/disability. I don’t judge such people. However, many are able bodied. They choose not to better themselves because they have been told that Someone else will take care of them. Why work to make more if it means you will lose your free Benefits? Why pay your bill when you know Agencies will pay the major utilities for you? This coddling makes many people juvenile and dependent instead of adult and independent. The safety Net becomes a Snare.

They quickly learn how to game the system, unaware the system is programming them to be dependent.They believe they can get free stuff only as long as they vote Democrat. What’s the alternative?

They can get stuck in a twilight where they can work part time but if they go full time they lose crucial benefits. They are the working poor.

When Liberals talk about charity, they mean taking more of your income to redistribute to (future) democrat voters. When we say  charity, we mean giving to an organization like the United Way, Salvation Army or our church. Why? We know how effective they can be. Most non-governmental agencies have specific requirements. These requirements often force a lifestyle change. Churches especially focus on change root behavior to combat poverty. For responsible taxpayers it is infuriating to have an atheist question our piety because we prefer to share our own Time, Talent & Tithes to help the truly needy via para- church organizations.

Notice how indignant progressive politicians are about the work or training requirement to get federal aid. Liberal newspapers actually use the word ‘punishment’ to describe this requirement aimed at the able-bodied. I don’t consider work to be punishment. It is my responsibility to provide for myself and my family as long as I am able-bodied.

Churches teach that God wants us to prosper so that we can be generous on every occasion (2 Corinthians 9:11). Christians consider alms to be an example of generosity. Giving a ride, clothing or money directly a single mom, kid in Sunday school or hitchhiker would be another example. We do not consider paying more taxes and hoping a corrupt federal politician will give the money to a hapless bureaucrat who will then maybe give whatever is left to another corrupt local politician to give to… See what I mean?

I may sound cynical but I truly believe that politicians are content to leave people in poverty in order to get their guaranteed votes Why? Because they want to save the world from Bad Weather. Poaching. Or something.


Posted in culture, Economics

Rock Paper Scissors! 

Liberals have replaced the venerable children’s game with a cynical version:

In other words, they argue over who is the Biggest Victim. 

A poor Black woman will dismiss the victim status of a wealthy woman as they both rail against the Patriarchy. 

When a family seeking asylum  got deported Liberals were enraged – until the immigrants turned out to be *German Christians. All concern disappeared. 

When woman got shot by a man there was much head shaking. Mainstream coverage evaporated once it was discovered the victim was a **White woman and the shooter was a Latino illegal alien. 

The problem with Identity Politics is it only creates anger. People are perpetually offended because they get a false sense of power from it. 

The result? An errant tweet may get an executive fired if he offends the wrong group. A congressman lost his job for using the word ‘niggardly’ simply because it sounds similar to the N word. The word has no racial connotations. 

At the same time, college professors can spew hatred towards While males who they perceive as the root of all societal ills. The tenured college professor can say whatever so long they remember: Gender/Race/Class

 The  politically adept use Hatred  of job creators and The Evil Rich™  as tool to whip up votes. Low information voters keep voting against the Rich. There is zero evidence that legislation that hurts employers help the unemployed. 

We on the Right must avoid the temptation to do the same. We can’t devolve into the Perpetually Offended. 

Never focus on your feelings, always focus on reasonable solutions. Righteous anger without tangible results curdles into cynical  bitterment. As we see on the Left, the result is either apathy or anarchy. 


**Kate Steinle