Posted in political, rant, religion

Bunnies, Golden Calves and Asses

I always want to give people the benefit of the doubt. Even Liberals. But a riddle me this, why do big government liberals always ask for more and more of your tax money? They know, I repeat they know, that the federal government is a vast sinkhole where billions gets wasted and sometimes just plain lost.

For example, bunny massages – – that’s right they gave bunny rabbits deep tissue massage repeatedly to confirm a theory that a good deep tissue massage would help after extremely strenuous exercise.

The best part? This was a follow-up study to several other studies which have already been done. The very best part? They then belatedly realized that studying Rabbits who are four legged in no way advances the science on two legged Humans.

Keep this in mind whenever another bureaucrat claims their department could be competent if only they had a bigger budget.

Solyndra and numerous other “green boondoggles” illustrate that sometimes the waste is the result of ideology while sometimes corruption is the source.
Anyone can come up with their pet example of government waste. So why do liberals continue to expand the size, scope and reach of the government?
What is the point? What is their end game?
I offer up this theory: For those who reject Father God but still crave a Savior..Uncle Sam.
The Israelites created a Golden Calf to replace their God Yahweh. Moses came down from the Mount with the original Ten Commandments and was furious to see that that his people – who had seen first hand the power of God – had turned to a god of their own creation.

America has been truly blessed in like manner. Despite bigotry and oppression of various groups. Despite genocide of the Native Indian people. Despite myriad flaws, America has been singularly blessed. Liberals have constructed a god and given that god evermore gold, prestige and power.

Unlike the Hebrew’s Golden Calf which was harmless, this modern day god has real power. The ATF, IRS, EPA, BLM and DOJ have REAL power. They have guns, badges and the will to use them. The NSA can spy on anyone anywhere. The CIA  has armed drones and global reach.

Liberals, do you control your false god? Or does it control us all?

7 thoughts on “Bunnies, Golden Calves and Asses

    1. Thank you for sharing your skepticism. I speak to and hear from Christ on a regular basis. I have felt the power of God on numerous occasions, for example when I have prayed for people or been prayed for. I experienced a sensation like electricity, heat flowing over me like liquid. I have been healed and i have healed others. In Jesus’ name.

      If you do not choose to believe me, I will not be offended.

      1. Sir, I do believe you. I believe that you believe what you’re saying is true. Just as I believe Hindus, and Muslims, or Zoroastrians when they detail what they’ve done and what has happened to them due to a “deity.”

        Unfortunately, the source from which you have gathered your “faith” is not entirely reliable. There are no contemporary accounts of Jesus; Tacitus does not count; and the bible does not count. The gospels were written almost 100 years later by unknown literate Greek speaking scribes–not illiterate poor peasants like Jesus and his followers (therefore, not eyewitness documentation). None of the original manuscripts exist. There are currently 24,000 NT manuscripts in existence from antiquity (copies of copies of copies of copies for centuries). No two are alike. There are over 400,000 errors and differences amongst them. The gospels contradict each-other so much, it’s amazing.

        Paul is apparently the first Christian; but he makes no mention of the virgin birth, not once. He never mentions Mary of Joseph. He does not mention any miracles; walking on water and etc. It’s like he did not know Jesus. All those stories and fables of Jesus were fabricated later with the Gospel writings. It simply isn’t reliable.

        You may keep your “faith,” but history is important.

      2. Saul met Jesus on the road to Damascus. He is now known as Paul. Paul is not the first Christian. Many of us have heard Christ’s voice since then. My relationship is with a living, supernatural Person who once healed me instantly. Peace.

  1. I’m not sure how that is a response, you sidestepped the most crucial points. I mentioned Paul as the “first” because his writings are the “first” we have, from a historical standpoint. His letters are as close as you can get to Jesus (which tell absolutely nothing of Jesus), and they were written 30 years after Jesus “lived.” It’s still not even close to eyewitness documentation.

    You don’t know what Jesus said, or taught, or did, because the gospels were written decades later. They’re not eyewitness accounts. We both know this makes perfect sense.

    1. In my Darth Vader voice : “I find your lack of faith disturbing.”

      I am not trying to prove anything to you. The Bible is not a history book, it is not a science book. It is not a grammar book. The Bible is the supernaturally inspired Word of God. You sir may accept it or reject it. But there is no point in trying to argue it away. Peace.

      1. Lol nice Stars Wars pun.

        “Faith” is to believe something with no evidence. I am not in the business to make decisions without looking at the history and evidence. It’s a part of logic.

        You said your bible is the inspired word of god. I’ve given several points why it isn’t. ‘Tis true, no reason to continue this.

        I will leave a little article I wrote just in case some curiosity Strikes Back:

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